FRI | 2025-03-14 ; last accessed: 20250312 | INCOMING DRAFT

120年謎の難問パズル解明 「悪魔の証明」に日米の数学者が挑んだ
US-Japan team of mathematicians has solved an over 120 year-old puzzle through the use of the "Devil's Proof" ; last accessed: 20250312 | INCOMING DRAFT

120年謎の難問パズル解明 「悪魔の証明」に日米の数学者が挑んだ

US-Japan team of mathematicians has solved an over 120 year-old puzzle through the use of the "Devil's Proof"



2025年3月10日 15時00分



A team of mathematicians from both the U.S. and Japan has announced on the 10th that they've solved an over 120 year-old puzzle, which upon showing that an equilateral triangle could be cut into four pieces to form a square in 1902, posed the question of whether or not three pieces or lower could be cut to form a square.

The team successfully solved it using what is known as the "Devil's Proof," by proving that "a square could no longer be formed." From this, it's now possible to obtain new techniques from geometry-based puzzles that are difficult for computers to solve.


The team proved the theorem that "Dividing a triangle into three pieces, and lining them up to form a square without flipping any over isn't possible." The pre-reviewed publication was posted on arXiv in December of last year.

More ...

UPDATED: 2025-03-13T15:36


1) GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE; TRANSLATE ; last accessed: 20250308

オンラインカジノ会社の広告、問題ないの? お金賭ければ違法だけど
Having problems with online casino commercials? They're illegal if you make money ; last accessed: 20250308

オンラインカジノ会社の広告、問題ないの? お金賭ければ違法だけど

Having problems with online casino commercials? They're illegal if you make money

御船紗子 後藤遼太

MIFUNE, Saeko; GOTO, Ryota

2025年3月4日 11時00分



If you watch sports broadcasts online, you'll find that there are commercials from online casinos that come out. In Japan, other than state-run casinos, these are supposed to be illegal.


One case for example is "DAZN," which broadcasts sports videos of soccer and professional baseball matches. The company had shown ads from giant online casino company "Vera&Jon" during break intervals of the matches.


Actually, what they showed was a commercial of the "free version of the game" where a person won't make money. In the website of the free version of Vera&Jon, there are words like "Super Impressive Online Casino," "Let's enjoy completely free online casino!"


According to the Bureau of Consumer Affairs, even if "casino is used as the theme," people would consider the app as "only a game" if no money can be earned.


DAZN Japan responded, "For the free version, the commercials were shown with the premise that viewers would not be led to the paid version, which is illegal. Right now, we've stopped broadcasting the commercials to allot time for the rules to be reviewed."

「射幸心をあおらない」からOK? いまは見合わせ

It's OK if "gambling is discouraged?"


The ads have become a problem even on TV, among others.


TV Asahi explained in a meeting in Feb. 25 that the commercials of the free version of Vera&Jon were broadcasted from 2022 to 2023. While the commercials did fulfill basic precepts like "Not to lead viewers to the paid version," its broadcasts have been suspended after a "unanimous decision."


BS TV Tokyo has said that it broadcasted the commercials of Vera&Jon and "Mystino" in 2020 to 2023, while BS-TBS said that it broadcasted the free version of "YU-GA-DO" and Vera&Jon from 2021 to 2023.


Soccer J2's Hokkaido Consadole-Sapporo is currently examining the operations of free casino gaming sites, including reviewing their terms of sponsorship.


Many of the online casinos are registered in Malta and Curacao in Holland, where they are "legal." However, in Japan, the law on horse and boat racings says that they are illegal if they are not state-run and people can make money. There's a prison sentence for violations related to gambling if these online casinos are accessed from Japan and people make money. The punishment is under 500,000 yen, while the sentence is under three years for "habitual gambling."


If the ads online were for medicines, they'd also be illegal. What about for online casinos?


Regarding the ads, in the case of medicines, they would be illegal according to the Stimulants Control Act and Medical Devices Act (Pharmaceutical Devices Law), among others. However, according to the Ministry of International Affairs and Communications, there's no rule against online casinos, which include their paid versions. A spokesperson says, "Even if it was a free version that leads to the paid version, which in turn can be linked to a gambling addiction, it's not illegal. However, it is 'harmful information.'"

Even Comedian Mr. YOSHIMOTO says, 'Since it had ads on the Internet..."

There are also cases where the commercials became the "entry point."

In November of last year, there was an incident where the police investigated the documents of 10 people suspected of gambling in an online casino. A 40-year-old male from downtown stated, "I found the ads online."

Another incident involved Mr. TAKAHIRA, Kuruma, the "Reiwa Romanticist" comedian, who was reported to have used an online casino, and who said in an apology video that "he didn't find the ads illegal given that they also appeared online."

Professor Emeritus TORIHATA, Yoichi (Financial Theory) from Shizuoka University is knowledgeable about the situation, and has pointed out, "The logic that it's a free version, so it has no connection with the paid version is a difficult problem." For example, when we see Vera&Jon's commercial of the free version, and searched it using our smartphone or PC, what comes out at the top of the list is the site of the paid version.

Online casinos don't need to have an establishment, and since people can easily register, businesses are in a disarray, putting money into the ads to acquire clients. Prof. TORIHATA checked a number of sites of the free version, and explained the gist of the terms of usage, "The data collected are used for market research and for soliciting clients to play the game or use the service." He says, "Playing the free version lowers the hurdle to play the paid version." For businesses that want to increase new user registrations, the free version's information of its registered users is invaluable. It's also highly likely that the information will be further used for their marketing campaigns, hence we must not see the app as safe just because it's free."

"The risk of gambling addiction is high"

In "A Community that Thinks about the Gambling Addiction Problem," Ms. TANAKA, Noriko said that she feels that consultations on how to make money are increasing due to the free version.

She pointed out, "There are plenty of people, mainly young people, who've gotten used to paying money in a smartphone game. It's in this same sense that people enjoy the free version. There are also examples of people being led to an illegal site without being aware of it. Thus, media and the influencers, among others, who show the ads have a big responsibility."

Consultations related to online casinos that her group visited increased rapidly after the COVID-19 of 2021. Before the COVID-19 in 2019, only eight cases were reported for the whole year. In 2023, there were 97.

If you have a smartphone, it's available 24 hours and for 365 days, so the risk of addiction is also high. Recently, it has spread to even high school students, among many others who are in their tens. "The money that can be borrowed by young people isn't much. This is why there are also people who join sketchy part-time jobs. It would be a huge problem if people do this just for fun."

UPDATED: 2025-03-11T17:21


1) GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE; TRANSLATE ; last accessed: 20250305

VOX POPULI: I wonder if I could make a hundred friends ; last accessed: 20250305


VOX POPULI: I wonder if I could make a hundred friends

2025年3月4日 5時00分


 小学校へあがる直前に引っ越した。一緒に遊んだみんなと別れ、違う学校へ。いまはふてぶてしい中年にも、繊細な幼少期はあったのだ。だから、あの歌には感ずるところが多かった。まど・みちおさんの作詞である。〈一ねんせいに なったら/ともだち ひゃくにん できるかな〉▼

We moved just before I went to grade school. I left everyone whom I played with and transferred to a different school. Now, even at middle age, I thought that it was a precarious time for me in kindergarten. This was why I had been rather sentimental toward that song whose lyrics were written by Mr. Michio Mado. (When I get to grade 1, I wonder if I could make a hundred friends)

## More

What kind of place is a school? I wondered if I could do well. I turned the worries that I felt into excitement, expanding my horizon. Even the magazine from grade school, "Grade 1," was among those who gave me encouragement. This year, I heard that it would be its 100th anniversary since its founding, a publication whose history began since before the war. Its latest April issue came into my possession only after a long while.

Flipping through the pages, I found that there was a section with a quiz that went well with the current programming classes in school. Or so I thought, because Nobita and Doraemon were playing as usual together with everyone at the vacant lot where the concrete pipes were. It was a special feature that presented life at the school, where picnics and such things took place while children smiled brightly.

I was happy to make a lot of friends. It would surely be fun to be able to eat onigiri rice balls at the top of Mount Fuji. But we should be careful, wrote Mr. Mado in a poem called "The Beautiful Word."

(Enjoy saying it. The beautiful word, 'Friend,' whose meaning we give: Let's pretend we don't know those who are not our friends.)

I wondered if the assumption was that we must use our friends as a means to justify the distinction. It was an important message for children, even for adults.

UPDATED: 2025-03-06T11:39


1) GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE; TRANSLATE ; last accessed: 20250304

「毒」から逃げろ、がん転移の始まりの一端を解明 京大がマウス実験
Run-away from "Poison!" Kyoto University explains the start of cancer metastasis through mice experimentation ; last accessed: 20250304

「毒」から逃げろ、がん転移の始まりの一端を解明 京大がマウス実験

Run-away from "Poison!" Kyoto University explains the start of cancer metastasis through mice experimentation


SAKURAI, Rintaro

2025年3月3日 10時01分



Cancer is the leading cause of death for Japanese people. But what is especially perilous during medical treatment is that it's actually not very well-understood why cancer cells transfer to other organs from where they were first produced, or what is known as "Metastasis." The research team comprised of Kyoto University and Nagoya University have hit on a discovery while experimenting with mice, showing that within a cancer group, there exist one of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a "hotspot" that accumulates hydrogen peroxide in a high degree of density, and that it is from there that a portion of cancer cells separate, as they try to escape and get out, hence starting the metastasis.


The results of the research have been published in the English science magazine, Nature Cell Biology.


While living things, including humans, use oxygen to obtain energy, they also produce reactive oxygen species within their bodies at the same time. When reactive oxygen species accumulate, oxidative stress is produced and harm the cells. This, for many of the cells, can be poisonous. A cancer group can accumulate these reactive oxygen species easily through metabolic disorder, among others, and further increase oxidative stress.


The research team has developed a way to directly detect foreign reactive oxygen species at the cellular level per cell. In the mouse where a human cancer cell was transferred, the distribution of hydrogen peroxide was found to be uneven when the cancer group was observed. Moreover, they found that there was a high-density hotspot inside. The cancer cells that were exposed to that part became eager to get out, and eventually separated from the cancer group. This observation has also been verified in the function of related genes.


Upon further investigation, the neutrophil, a type of immune cell, was also observed to gather around this hotspot. When the neutrophils are removed from the cancer group, it became harder to create the hydrogen peroxide hotspot.


From this, it was learned that the neutrophils that gathered in the cancer group created the hydrogen peroxide and formed the hotspot. The cancer cells that were exposed to this hotspot separated in their attempt to escape from getting harmed by the hydrogen peroxide. This is considered to be what starts the metastasis.

### MORE

Among the variety of cancer cells, there's also a type that is strong and has an anti-oxidization effect, which hinders the functionality of the reactive oxygen species. These cancer cells were found to have the tendency to be a lot harder to separate and get out.

The research team used this mechanism to develop a drug to control this transfer (metastasis) by removing only the reactive oxygen species that become the cause for the separation and the release of cancer cells to other organs.

Assoc. Prof. Takahashi, Shigenari of Kyoto University (Medical Chemistry) says that "to escape" is the most fundamental defense mechanism that any living thing has, yet he was surprised to find out that the cancer cells were also fleeing. He said, "If an environment where there won't be a need for cancer cells to 'escape' could be created, it would be possible to prevent metastasis from occurring."

The abstract of the publication can be found here:


1) GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE; TRANSLATE ; last accessed: 20250303

(社説)高額療養費 「その場しのぎ」の限界
Community Discussions: The limitation of "temporary answers" to high-costing medical treatment ; last accessed: 20250303

(社説)高額療養費 「その場しのぎ」の限界

Community Discussions: The limitation of "temporary answers" to high-costing medical treatment

2025年3月3日 5時00分



What type of role must the National Health Insurance take in the face of an aging population? This is a big topic that needs to be discussed, and where the whole community will have to make a difficult decision. It's here where we're stuck. In aiming to solve the problem in the mid-long term, it's necessary to create a venue where both the ruling party and the opposition can convene.


Concerning the revision to the "policy on high-costing medical treatment," which sets the maximum amount that the patient shoulders for medical treatment per month, Prime Minister ISHIBA has announced the re-evaluation of the said government policy during the National Assembly. The plan has been to raise the amount during the third stage, and that the first stage is to be implemented in August of this year, while during the fall of this same year, the policy is going to "be reviewed again to decide what happens afterward."


During this process, it's obviously important to listen to those who'll be greatly affected by the policy, and that the opinions of the stakeholders including the patients group are adequately heard. However, this part didn't turn out as well as it should in this case, and there's strong criticism from the patients group as well as the experts that the re-evaluation of the policy is being hurried.


What further needs to be emphasized is the question that the prime minister has raised: "How can the increasing cost of medical treatment be shared according to each person's capability?" While there appears to be a presumption to make ends meet within the bounds of the policy, it's difficult to find a solution. Wouldn't it be necessary to move forward with the discussions by listing a wider array of options?


For example, while the Japan Restoration Party agreed with the ruling party to revise the budget for the new year, it expressed its opposition to increase the maximum amount that is shouldered by patients for high-costing medical treatment, and has been drawing attention to the re-evaluation of insurance payments, which cover over-the-counter medicines and those with similar effects and risks, in order to bring down the fees stipulated in the social insurance policy.


The high-costing medical treatment fees cover serious diseases and injury that are "big risks," because they could easily destroy a person's life. Compared to this, the cost of everyday medicines like those for colds or some kind of compress may be considered to be "minor risks." However, more people are benefiting from the latter that it's foreseen that taking away these from the current policy would lead to protests.


There's a lesson to be learned during the time of Mr. Yoshihiko NODA of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan who served as the prime minister under the Democratic Party in 2011. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare proposed adding 100 yen to the "fixed cost during diagnosis" that is paid when an outpatient comes for diagnosis. The objective was to lower the maximum amount shouldered by patients for high-costing medical treatment.


However, the Japanese Medical Doctors Association heatedly protested that "it'll discourage patients from coming for diagnosis." It was also criticized for "increasing the cost shouldered by low-income patients, which in turn increase the income gap even further." The Democratic Party bid this farewell, without being able to find a resolution.


As time goes by, it's difficult to reconcile the cost of medical treatment and the amount to be paid. However, the key to solving the problem is found in the number of politicians who'll take responsibility for the various pros and cons of the policy. Before fall comes, it's necessary to have a constructive discussion on what is foreseen to lie ahead.

UPDATED: 2025-03-04T15:00